Saturday Sep 14, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Sept 14
LifeSpring Community Church
1154 Rte 173
Spring Grove IL 60081
Money received from registrations, fundraising, and sponsorships will benefit funding for the Swiss Family Robinson Adventure Playground in Spring Grove, IL. And here's some exciting news: every dollar will be doubled by a $500,000 grant! Even if you aren't participating in the race, you can share the fundraising page.
A little more about the playground: PtG Community Center, (a 501(c)3 public charity) is raising funds to build the Swiss Family Robinson Adventure Playground at the corner of 173 and Siedschlag Rd, Spring Grove, IL. Our proposed Swiss Family Robinson Adventure Playground will be an intergenerational, all-inclusive playscape for EVERYONE to enjoy and play together, a playground that welcomes all visitors, including those living with visible and invisible physical and cognitive disabilities, from the young to the elderly.
Not interested in running but want to contribute to the playground? Make an online donation